Become a Certified Breathwork Facilitator


If you want to become a certified breathwork facilitator training then you should consider attending a certification program. Certification will show you how to safely guide breathwork sessions. There are several levels of training to choose from. Certification is available for those who have experience with breathwork for self-exploration, trauma healing, and spiritual growth. To obtain a certificate, you must complete both in-person and self-study hours. If you’re interested in facilitating circular breathing sessions, you should look into this training.

You Should Look Into This Training

Before attending a breathwork training course, it’s important to understand what makes this type of treatment so effective. You need to know the nature and type of trauma that may be affecting someone. Training will include discussions on acute, complex, racial, and cultural trauma. You’ll learn the importance of self-awareness and relating skills. You’ll also learn how to assess your clients and their needs.

The Alchemy of Breath Facilitator Program is the most comprehensive program available. This course is a journey into personal mastery that includes breathwork trainings from all over the world. It also includes business courses, coaching, and follow-up mentorship. The next workshop is scheduled in September 2021. For $5500 USD, you can complete all three levels. There’s a course for everyone! You can learn to become a certified breathwork facilitator.

There are two types of breathwork certification courses: online and in-person courses. The best one for you depends on your schedule and the location where you live. In-person trainings require more commitment, while online courses usually require only a few days of study. You should consider all these factors when choosing a breathwork trainer. It is important to research your prospective teacher’s philosophies and values and determine if they’ll work well with your own.

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