How Are Audience Systems Limited?


Unlike the audience systems limited that used dials and wires, audience response systems use software to collect and display results in real-time. Presenters build a series of polling questions into their presentation and then participants answer using wireless keypads, which send their responses to the base station, or receiver, connected to the computer running the audience response software. Answers are displayed for all to see and participants can get immediate feedback about whether they chose the right or wrong answer, as well as what percentage of others did the same.

Using these systems can reduce the effect of crowd psychology when asking for responses, as people are less likely to copy what other participants do. They also allow for a more accurate tabulation of answers than would be possible with the traditional method of hand raising. They are often used in education, for determining if students understand portions of a lecture or class, and as a way of collecting data from large groups of people that could be difficult to gather otherwise, such as attendance records or grading answers to essay questions.

Introducing Audience Systems Limited: Innovators in Seating Solutions

The hardware used to send the votes back to the receiver can be affixed to an individual user, with some kind of identifier, or it can be transmitted via radio frequency so that respondents don’t need to physically be near the base station. In the latter case, the data can be compiled into a database or even connected to a learning management system to provide an opportunity for teachers to track student performance and engagement.

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