The CDC recommends two steps in Lyme disease testing. The first step is a blood test called the Lyme antibody blood test, which measures antibodies against two types of the organism. If the antibody test is positive, a second step called a Lyme Western blot is done to look for specific antibodies against the Lyme organism. To qualify as positive, you must have 5 out of 10 IgG antibodies, or two out of three IgM antibodies. More info –
You Will Need To Go To The Hospital For Further Monitoring
This test isn’t very accurate, and it can miss the infection completely. Early tests are negative because the body has not produced enough antibodies to detect Lyme. Testing for Lyme disease should start two to four weeks after infection. The first test is an ELISA, and if the results are positive, an immunoblot or IgM/IgG immunoassay will be done. These tests can be used without prior immunoassays if the initial results were not positive.
The CDC has guidelines for the interpretation of antibody tests. These guidelines help laboratories produce reliable analyses. In addition, it is important to understand that the antibodies develop over time, so the test results should be interpreted accordingly. Antibody tests are also highly reliable for assessing bacteria exposure, but they are not a definitive diagnosis of Lyme disease. So, before having your test, make sure you have a proper diagnosis. You should visit a doctor for a thorough analysis of your symptoms.