Services For Injury Recovery


Traumatic brain injury rehabilitation aims to channel an individual’s natural healing processes and relearning capabilities following a head trauma. It can involve many different healthcare professionals, including cognitive and psychotherapy, speech-language pathology, and physical therapy. It can also include the use of assistive devices and equipment to manage daily activities.

Services for Injury Recovery can be a lengthy process and is usually done in hospitals with specialist equipment. A team of health professionals will create a rehab plan to set goals and decide on discharge plans for returning home. They will consider your medical condition, dietary needs, language or religious needs and work out how these will be managed.

Services for Injury Recovery: Accelerate Healing at Rehab Lab

Accessing comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation can be difficult for people living in rural and remote areas. Often facilities are located in urban centers, which can be several hours away from home and family. Many families are reluctant to have their loved ones sent to a facility that may not be close to their homes, while others may struggle with transport and cost issues.

Many people who have experienced a traumatic injury require complex rehabilitation that requires an extended stay in the hospital. Currently, people who meet major trauma criteria are required to have a rehabilitation assessment and prescription carried out during their hospital admission. However, the need for rehabilitation continues to go unmet in some parts of the world due to poor referral pathways and a lack of facilities to accommodate those with more severe injuries.

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